Heyington Station is quite a scenic station set in a cutting with a pedestrian footbridge.
It has a wooden station building on the UP platform and very basic shelters on the DOWN platform.
The station sees very minimal patronage except for St Kevins College students as the station is located adjacent to the school with a dedicated school access from the DOWN platform.
The station is unstaffed.

Heyington Station looking DOWN from footbridge

UP platform station building looking UP

Heyington station building looking UP from DOWN end

UP platform station building looking DOWN

DOWN platform station shelter looking DOWN

UP platform station building looking DOWN beneath canopy

Former UP platform ticket window and station entrance

UP platform waiting room

UP platform station building from footbridge

Looking UP along UP platform station building

Footbridge with approaching DOWN Comeng train looking UP

UP platform station building

Entrance to DOWN platform from footbridge looking DOWN

DOWN platform looking DOWN
Next Station
Glen_Waverley Line